What cardboard is made of?

Cardboard material is fundamental in our daily lives; surely, if you look around, you'll find something made from it. It is obtained through the moisture-induced adhesion of different layers of a paper paste. Once the papers have been overlapped, a drying process follows, making the cardboard rigid and consistent.

It has a thickness and greater resistance than paper. Thanks to this, it is used in the manufacturing of various objects, such as gift boxes or custom foldersThis material is recyclable.

Where does cardboard come from?

We have cardboard naturally incorporated into our daily lives, but the reality is that we don't know much about it. When did it emerge? Although it was invented in China in the 16th century, it won't be until 1890 that it began to be used for the same purpose we know today.

Cardboard characteristics. What is it used for?

Cardboard has multiple applications. Its use has spread worldwide. Although we are most accustomed to seeing it in the transportation sector, it is frequently used for packaging and transporting productsIt is also common to see it used as a storage box during moves. Its use in packaging is due to the protection it provides to items and its ease of recycling.

Its versatility and the different types of cardboard available allow it to adapt to various needs we may have. We must consider that not all types of cardboard are the same, and each has a more suitable application.

For example, compact cardboard is a solid fibre that, due to its strength and flexibility, is often used to manufacture advertising binders. Or stone cardboard is commonly used in glassware and upholstery. Therefore, depending on its characteristics, it will have a greater utility in one sector or another.

Why do we use cardboard recy? Advantages of this material

Cardboard has various advantages. The main one is its utility, but it is also an alternative to plastic, favouring the environment. Thus, packaging made from this material is ecological and contributes to environmental protection.

This is because it is reusable, biodegradable, and recyclable. Once its useful life ends, it can be recycled and turned into compost. Moreover, currently, the majority of cardboard packaging uses a significant proportion of recycled material.

The properties that stand out in cardboard are its folding capacity, rigidity, and impact resistance. It has the ability to adapt, making it suitable for the needs of each business, and that's why it is so successful. Its versatility allows it to easily adapt to different formats. Cardboard is a lightweight component; this property, combined with its strength, makes it the ideal material for creating lightweight packaging. You can stack it, which is essential in the storage and transportation process.

Its different properties have made it a reference material in different sectorsAnd it's not surprising because, as we've said, it's an ecological material that helps take care of our planet, while also being very practical.

What is made from recycled cardboard?

As expected, cardboard also has a strong presence in the world of promotional gifts, and after seeing all the advantages it offers, it's not surprising at all. You can find personalized cardboard bags, perfect if you have a business like a clothing store or a take-out food place. Additionally, depending on the chosen weight, it will have more or less resistance, adapting perfectly to your company's needs.

If you're thinking of giving a gift to your employees or a small memento for a conference, eco-friendly notebooks and recycled pens will be a hit. They will help show your commitment to the environment and move away from other less sustainable materials. We are aware that presentation is an important aspect of gifts, so in our catalogue, you will find different products to help you create a more polished packaging to surprise your customers.

Among the different options, you will find custom packaging boxes and cases for pens. And other less common items, but that are usually a success at the end and the beginning of the year, such as recycled cardboard calendars. This material has great potential in the world of marketing, being an ideal space to convey messages and place the product's name. 

Packaging can be used to attract and retain your target audience.

What is the cost of cardboard products?

Cardboard has a low manufacturing cost, which is why objects made from this material tend to be more affordable. Furthermore, it has a more accessible price compared to, for example, wood, which is why it ended up replacing it in the transportation sector, offering quality and resistance at a better cost.